Events & Promotions

GTTI Pre-Paid Event Cards

Gifts that keeps on giving

There are many things that you can gift your friend, partner or colleague that are simply nice to have items, something they can show off about.

That is all well and good but at GTTi we want you to be proactive about your safety, we want to help you, help yourself or your loved ones.

With a selection of gift cards for you to choose from, you can provide them with the ultimate gift, a stepping stone to a skill that can be honed in the weeks, months and the years to come.

Feminine Protection
Feminine Protection

Think of it like golf, its is only by being with like minded individuals regularly, that the fundamentals of the game start to make sense and the repetition of actions, generating that muscle memory, that finally makes everything click, improving your game and providing confidence.

It is the same with firearms, we want to provide you with the same confidence, in the same way.

ANYONE with a firearm must renew their license as a matter of law, every 5 or 10 years, show your certificate and its renewed, if lost you must complete a refresher course, in order to keep that license. But this is not nearly enough.

Reality Sinks In

Imagine you didn’t drive or swim for 10 years, sure, you could give it a go but how many near misses or minutes afloat, could you manage?

We at GTTI believe that you must practice and repeat the skills, regularly.

Which is why we are focused in our wish to ensure your safety. With our unique gift event cards, you can plan and prepay for an event, now or in the future, for anyone, for pleasure, to learn or simply to regularly hone your new found skills.

On the Range

We have 3 event cards on offer,

Give it a GO!!
Range Skills

Each has a different value and these pre-paid cards can be redeemed up to 9 months from purchase.

Want to dazzle a date, surprise your partner, compete with friends or simply thank someone? GTTI’s Pre-paid cards beat the mundane and are the alternative party, corporate event or regular shoot that will grab everyone attention.

To find out more click here